With a pair of notorious Japanese jewel thieves having made their way to Hong Kong, local cop Madam Rachel Yeung (Cynthia Khan) had to reluctantly team with the trailing Inspector Okata (Hiroshi Fujioka). When the criminal duo get stiffed by their accomplice, however, the resulting mayhem finds the two detectives having to put their differences aside. Michiko Nishiwaki, Stuart Ong also star. 88 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: Cantonese, English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; featurette; theatrical trailers. In Cantonese with English subtitles.
With a pair of notorious Japanese jewel thieves having made their way to Hong Kong, local cop Madam Rachel Yeung (Cynthia Khan) had to reluctantly team with the trailing Inspector Okata (Hiroshi Fujioka). When the criminal duo get stiffed by their accomplice, however, the resulting mayhem finds the two detectives having to put their differences aside. Michiko Nishiwaki, Stuart Ong also star. 88 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: Cantonese, English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; featurette; theatrical trailers. In Cantonese with English subtitles.
With a pair of notorious Japanese jewel thieves having made their way to Hong Kong, local cop Madam Rachel Yeung (Cynthia Khan) had to reluctantly team with the trailing Inspector Okata (Hiroshi Fujioka). When the criminal duo get stiffed by their accomplice, however, the resulting mayhem finds the two detectives having to put their differences aside. Michiko Nishiwaki, Stuart Ong also star. 88 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: Cantonese, English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; featurette; theatrical trailers. In Cantonese with English subtitles.